19 November, 2022 |


Miyawaki’s Method: Urban Greenification

This article delves deeper into Miyawaki's method, what it is, and what the requirements are to implement this method, and we will look at the step that needs to be followed for the plantation of the forest given by Shubhendu Sharma.

Miyawaki is a technique invented by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki to form dense primaeval forests. This method is said to cause plants to grow ten times faster than usual, resulting in plantations that are 30 times denser than usual. He requires no maintenance for the first three years because dozens of native species surround him.

Under the Paris Agreement, India will take on Miyawaki's project, increasing green coverage from 25% to 33%. Later, the Telangana state government used this Japanese method of tree planting to increase the state's vegetation. It also aided in enforcing plantation targets under Telanganaku Haritha Haaram (TKHH).

Over the years, state and central governments have taken many initiatives to curb deforestation and introduce new technologies to increase green space in the country. Miyawaki is one such helpful method recently adopted in India.

Requirements for Afforestation through the Miyawaki Method -The Miyawaki planting method requires a relatively small space of at least 20 square feet. -Plants should be sown very densely to save space and dense vegetation. This allows the young trees to protect each other, keep sunlight from hitting the forest floor, and prevent parasitic vegetation from growing. -This process should make plants grow 10 times faster than usual and make the vegetation 30 times denser. -According to Miyawaki's method, such forests should be maintained for at least three years.

Process of Afforestation through the Miyawaki Method An Indian pioneer and expert in afforestation, Shubhendu Sharma, explained everything one needs to learn about the Miyawaki method. He also unveils every step of afforestation under this method, which are as follows

Step 1: Determine the soil texture and quantify biomass Soil texture helps determine water-holding capacity, water infiltration, root-boring capacity, nutrient retention, and erodibility. Check if the texture is sand, loam, or loam. Perforator materials improve drilling and allow rapid root growth. For this, spongy dry biomass can be used. Husks are a by-product and are readily available at mills and pet food stores. Water retention helps soils retain more moisture and water than their natural water-holding capacity. You can use natural materials such as coco peat or dried cane stalks. Nourishment requires organic fertilizers. Various materials, such as cow dung, goat dung and vermicompost, can be used depending on the region and availability. Mulch insulates and protects the soil. Avoid direct sunlight hitting the ground. Direct sunlight dries out the soil and makes conditions difficult for young seedlings. This is especially important during the first 6-8 months when the plants are young.

Step 2: Select tree species for the plantation For biodiversity, we should try to plant as many seeds as possible. -Create a database of all species specific to your area. Identify species (evergreen, deciduous, or perennial), their benefits, and maximum heights, and assign strata. -Check the nursery's availability, age, and height of local seedlings. The ideal height is 60-80 cm. -Main Type: Select five different types as the primary forest type. These should be common species in your area. It accounts for 40–50% of the number of trees in the forest. -Support Species: Other common regional species account for 25–40% of the total, with smaller landraces making up the remainder.

Step 3: Design the forest -Masterplan: identifies exact areas for reforestation, obtains materials, and implements the project. The minimum width of the project area is 3 meters, but 4 meters is recommended. -Irrigation schedule: The layout of the channel may need to be designed by the architect based on the daily water demand of the area. The forest should be watered regularly for the first two to three years. -Design Project Execution: You will also need to identify spaces such as material/sapling/equipment storage areas, site offices, and worker rest areas. Also, if the project area is large, access roads to the reforestation area for earthwork and access roads to the material/plot storage area for truck access are required.

Step 4: Preparing the area -Before starting the planting process, forest managers should test the soil to determine the feasibility and practicality of this project. -Keep the floor in this area clear of debris and weeds. -To start afforestation by the Miyawaki method, you must get at least 8 to 9 hours of sunlight per day. -Foresters must set up an irrigation system and demarcate a mound of 100 square meters before seeding.

Step 5: Start the Plantation Process -Dig a small hole in the ground, remove the seedling's root bag, and plant. -He must place these saplings in these holes and slightly level the ground around the trunks. -Depending on these plants' height, choosing the correct support cane is essential.

Step 6: Look after the forest for three years Dig a small hole in the soil, remove the seedling's root bag, and plant. Monitoring: Forests should be monitored every one to two months to determine if goals are being met and if changes are needed to improve results. This should be done in the first 8–12 months. Count the number of surviving seedlings and record the data. The growth of the selected species should also be monitored. Maintenance: -Water the forest with a hose once a day. -Maintain a weed-free forest for the first 2-3 years. When the forest begins to grow, weeds stop growing. -Make sure plants are upright, not buried under mulch, and loosely tied to stakes. -Keep the forest clean and free of plastic and paper. -Provide a proper drainage system so that water does not accumulate anywhere in the forest. Don't build walls in the forest, as accumulated water can kill plant roots. The mortality of plants is typically 2-5%. Mortality should not be checked until 3-4 months after planting. -Do not use chemicals such as pesticides or inorganic fertilizers. If you spot pests, leave them alone. The forest is slowly building its own mechanisms to stay healthy. -Mulch should be stored for at least one year. Dry soil is detrimental to forest health, so the soil should be mulched over time. Also, do not remove organic matter, such as leaves, from the forest floor. It kills good soil microorganisms. -As trees get taller, longer posts may be needed to keep the buds from bending or weakening. -Do not cut down or prune forests, as this may weaken them. Plant in these holes and lightly level the soil around the trunk. -Depending on these plants' height, choosing the appropriate support cane is essential.

Takeaways Miyawaki is a technique pioneered by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki that helps build dense, native forests quickly. It has revolutionized the concept of urban afforestation by turning backyards into mini-forests. The approach is supposed to ensure that plant growth is 10 times faster and the resulting plantation is 30 times denser than usual. The Miyawaki method helps to create a forest in just 20 to 30 years, while through conventional methods, it takes anywhere between 200 to 300 years.

Conclusion To sum up, Miyawaki's method allows for the creation of self-sustaining vegetation in 2–3 years, as opposed to the traditional process, which takes nearly 100 years. The Miyawaki Method has been used successfully in over 3000 of his global projects, and the number is growing in Europe. With its ability to rapidly create dense primary forests, this technology can be used to create urban micro forests, restore tropical rainforests and evergreen, deciduous forests in Japan, and restore arid Mediterranean habitats where other forestry techniques have failed. Despite the benefits of nature, some environmentalists question the practice. They claim that such wood lacks the medicinal properties of natural wood. They are also against highly accelerated photosynthesis in plants.

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Picture Credits - The Hindu .

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